The Path of 2025

The Path of 2025

2024 was another mixed year.

It was challenging at times including dealing with my Crohn’s disease, where I continue to live with an anal fistula. I have had coughs, colds, warts and various other bugs and medical issues. I have doubted myself; have cried many times in toilets. I have lost family friends, which has been very emotional. This year also marked four years since my dad passed away in his nursing home from complications with his multiple sclerosis. It is strange to think how it is now over four years and how times goes so fast. We should always cherish the moments we have with each other as we do not know how long they will last.

Dyspraxia Foundation also closed in 2024. This brought much sadness because it was an amazing charity, which helped thousands of people living with dyspraxia as well as their friends, family and support groups. I met so many wonderful people and I will never forget the kindness they showed me. I won the Matthew Hunt Award in 2017 for raising awareness of dyspraxia; and completed both a tandem skydive in 2018 and a wing walk in 2022 in their honour. I hope the Dyspraxia Foundation continues in some form and we will all get to meet again soon.

Nevertheless, the year had many good moments too. I spent time with friends and family playing games of poker, pool, bowling and going to the cinema; I continued to write poetry and to speak on the radio, especially on Mix 92.6. I also celebrated my uncle’s seventieth birthday and attended my cousin’s wedding party. Both celebrations gave me the opportunity to spend time with loved ones. I was also lucky to travel including to Croatia; Hungary; and Gran Canaria to see beautiful waterfalls, rivers and sand-dunes.

One big highlight was completing a fire-walk in March 2024 for Mount Vernon Cancer Centre in association with East and North Hertfordshire Hospitals’ Charity. This was an exhilarating experience of walking on hot coals to raise funds for a place where family and friends have received treatment for their cancer. I will never forget this and hope to continue to do lots more exciting challenges in the year to come.

Resolutions For 2025

Like in previous years, I am not going to set any concrete resolutions for 2025 as there seems to be some expectation and pressure to achieve them. However, I want to spend lots of time with the people who mean so much to me; continue travelling the world; building relationships with others; and want to complete some more exciting challenges including for Crohn’s and Colitis UK and other various causes.

Thank you so much for continuing to listen to my experiences of living with Crohn’s disease, dyspraxia, anxiety and depression. If I can help at least one person feel less afraid, embarrassed or alone then it is worth it. Take care of yourselves and one another. Let us make 2025 a great year.

Let us make 2025 a great year...Copyright © 2024 Jake Borrett. All rights reserved. 



Red and green lights flicker, flicker above my head until their hues reflect in my eyes

The beat of the electronic music stamps, stamps, climbing up the thick layer of my spine

The heat of the room makes my mind go numb and the sweat plunges down my spiky hair

The banging of feet, the drunken laughter and the stench of body odour suffocates

Lights, music, heat, stench, again and again, again and again

I want to scream, to cry, to run, but my legs are lodged into the dance floor

A warm but soft finger brushes against the back of my palm, for just a second

I know it is her


Trying to calm me,

And in this brief second,

It does  

And in this brief second, It does...Copyright © 2020 Sick-Street Photography. All rights reserved.



Just You and I

Lying on the grass

Touching hands

The sky painting stars with the clouds above

29th February, a Leap Year

A one in a four chance of happening

The breeze stroking our birthmarks

As we sigh together

In this moment, only us

In this moment, only us...Copyright © 2023 winluk06. All rights reserved.

Diving Into 2024

Diving Into 2024

2023 was a mixed year.

It was filled with challenging times including being ill with my Crohn’s disease, which has led to an anal fistula that needs treating. I have had flu bugs and colds; have doubted myself on many occasions; and have cried lots in toilets. Both loved ones and close friends have also had to cope with their own personal health conditions; and it is difficult to watch them go through these horrendous moments in their lives. This year also marked three years since my dad passed away in his nursing home due to complications with his multiple sclerosis. Every day we miss him. My love goes out to all of you who have lost someone. It is never easy, but they will always be in our hearts.

It was also a year filled with some great times too. I have laughed over games of pool, poker and bowling; had trips into London to go to immersive art galleries; taken part in some creative writing open mic nights at University of Hertfordshire; and have spoken on the radio, especially on Mix 92.6, to raise awareness of hidden disabilities and mental health conditions. I have met so many amazing people, to which I can now call my friends.

I have also been fortunate to have gone travelling, including to Cornwall to see the beautiful Lizard Peninsula; St Ives; and Saint Michael’s Mount; attended some fun and memorable shows at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2023 in Scotland for my twenty-ninth birthday; walked by the rivers, canals and waffle shops of Bruges and Ghent in Belgium; and hiked up to some magical places in Switzerland with my cousin. It was 2019 when I last went travelling with him to Slovenia, so it was fantastic to have had the chance to go and do it again. I will never forget this.

Looking back, I did not set any concrete resolutions for 2023. Instead, I wanted to spend time with family and friends, which I have done; and I also managed to explore more of the world; as well as raise more awareness of what it is like to live with Crohn’s disease, dyspraxia, anxiety and depression.

Resolutions 2024

Like in 2023, I am not going to set any concrete resolutions for 2024 as it does seem to be some expectation to achieve them. However, like before, I want to spend time with the people who matter the most to me; want to adventure more into the world both in terms of travelling but also in terms of other relationships, careers and hobbies. I am also considering completing another charity challenge or two for Crohn’s and Colitis UK and Dyspraxia Foundation, among other causes.

This year marks ten years since I first started blogging. Thank you for being there for me and listening to my experiences of living with hidden disabilities and mental health conditions. I would not be here without you. Take care of yourselves and each other, and let us hope the year ahead is a kind one.

Let us hope the year ahead is a kind one...Copyright © 2023 Jake Borrett. All rights reserved. 

Dancing Along A Purple Tightrope

Dancing Along A Purple Tightrope

I’m dancing along a purple tightrope,

Bare toes gripping on, holding on, holding on…

Below are memories of days at the beach, playing games of Articulate, drinking pints of Coke,

Running through fields of lavender, smiling, warmth, love, holding hands

I could trip, fall, splash into them, but I choose to continue, walking the tightrope…

Although I can’t see into the blinding darkness ahead,

I hope a thousand stars are waiting.

I’m dancing along a purple tightrope...Copyright © 2020 WCVA et al. All rights reserved.