Hope For The Future Ahead
No one could have predicted 2020 would turn out the way it did. It has
been a very emotional year for a lot of us due to the coronavirus pandemic. We
have not been able to spend time with friends and family; have felt unsafe or
avoided altogether normal things we usually enjoy such as eating out in restaurants
or going to the theatre to watch a play. Our ‘normal’ life of travelling,
socialising, living, has been put on hold. It has also been a year filled with
loss. I am sorry if you have lost someone to coronavirus or for some other
reason. My thoughts are with you all.
For me 2020 was filled with Crohn’s disease flare-ups; a MRI small bowel
scan; antidepressants; dark and lonely thoughts; lots of crying in toilets and
in bed; and seeing family friends become ill.
One of the hardest parts though was in April 2020 when my dad sadly
passed away in his nursing home due to complications with his advanced
progressive multiple sclerosis. It has been so difficult not being surrounded
by friends and loved ones or being able to hug them when all we felt like doing
was crying. We miss his smile, his cheeky laugh and funny sense of humour, his
voice, and playing lots of card games and Scrabble. We miss him so much.
Yes, it has been a difficult year and for this reason I was not able to
achieve all the goals I set myself at the start of 2020. I was not able to travel
or to spend as much time as I would like with all of the people I care about. However,
this year has taught me that little things like walking along the seafront or through
a lavender field, playing online poker or pool with friends, or dancing around
the living room with my mum and sister do matter so much more. I have also
learnt to appreciate kind, caring individuals, who make sacrifices and act selflessly.
I thank all of you. Thank you for listening to or reading my experiences of
living with Crohn’s disease, dyspraxia, anxiety and depression.
Resolutions for 2021
It is currently Friday 1st January 2021
as I write this article, but this year I have decided not to set any
resolutions. Well, aside from one. This resolution is that I hope 2021 will be
a better year than 2020. I hope it is a happier, kinder year. So, by the time I
write my summary of 2021 this time next year I want to look back and say that
we managed to have some joyful, normal times together.
2020 has been an awful year for so many, but as we enter into 2021 all
we have left is hope, that things will get better. I like to think that this is
an incredibly powerful thing.
Thank you for everything. Here is to hope for the future ahead.
Here is to hope for the future ahead...Copyright © 2020- Jake Borrett. All rights reserved. |