Entering 2023
2022 was a memorable year.
It was filled with some tough times including being ill with lots of cough and colds; having coronavirus for the first time; Crohn’s disease flare-ups; and crying in toilets. I also had grief counselling to deal with the loss of my dad, who sadly passed away in his nursing home in April 2020 due to complications with his progressive multiple sclerosis. The grief counselling was really helpful as it gave me a safe space to talk about my feelings. As a family, we also remembered and celebrated the lives of my dad, grandma and close family friends. My love will always go out to all of you who have lost someone. It is never easy, but these loved ones will forever be in our hearts. We will always remember them.
It was also a year filled with some incredible moments. I made some good friends and spent time with them at the cinema, playing crazy golf, poker and pool. They mean a lot to me. I also travelled again including to the beautiful Norway and Greece. I also took part in creative writing open mic nights and raised awareness of hidden disabilities and mental health conditions on the radio and in everyday life.
One of my highlights of 2022 was how together we managed to raise over £3,000 for my charity wing walk for Crohn’s and Colitis UK and Dyspraxia Foundation. It was an amazing experience flying through the sky on a wing of a bi-plane, and to do it for two brilliant charities meant a lot. Thank you for all your kind support and donations.
Looking back, I managed to achieve my resolutions of 2022 by completing a challenge for charity; travelling more of the world; raising awareness of health conditions; spending time with those I care about; and also remembering those we have lost along the way. 2022 provided me with a lot of hope.
Resolutions for 2023
I am not going to set any concrete resolutions for 2023 as there does seem to be some pressure in order to achieve them. Instead, I want to spend time with friends and loved ones; to continue exploring more of the world; to raise lots of awareness of what it is like to live with Crohn’s disease, dyspraxia, anxiety and depression; and ultimately, to find myself.
I want a happier future for all of us. Take care of yourselves and remember you are amazing. If you ever need to talk, we are here for you. As I write this blog article, it is hailing in January 2023, but like dark days, it will soon ease and give way to brighter times. I believe in you.
I believe in you...Copyright © 2022 Jake Borrett. All rights reserved. |