The Inflammatory Bowel Disease Community

The Inflammatory Bowel Disease Community

Thursday 19th May 2016 marks World Inflammatory Bowel Disease Day, where all around the globe those impacted by Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis will be raising awareness for the two main conditions. Since being diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease at the age of thirteen I have received a massive amount of support from family, friends and the community. In this article I hope to show there is always someone willing to listen, because they listened to me.

The Charities
‘Crohn’s and Colitis UK’ is an incredible charity, helping to improve the lives of those with Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis but they also provide support to loved ones as well. I whole heartedly thank them for the guidance and encouragement they have given me over the years.

Of course ‘Crohn’s and Colitis UK’ is only one example. There has been a huge increase in the number of charities attempting to challenge the stigma over Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Their work has been fundamental, for instance in gaining media coverage for Crohn’s and Colitis from news and radio channels including BBC News and ITV’s This Morning.

The Fighters and Their Supporters
I am thoroughly pleased to say I have been inspired by all those individuals with Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis who have achieved their dreams and ambitions despite their condition. You are all brave fighters. Not only that, but supporters and loved ones have done an incredible job raising awareness and funds, and breaking taboos and silences related to the disability for instance discussing diarrhoea and stoma bags.

Some of these fighters and supporters, like me, have set up writing blogs and pages to share their experiences with Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Here are some of the links to their brilliant pages:
          So Bad Ass
          Crohnies In Need
          Crohn’s and Colitis Awareness
          I have Crohn’s disease and it sucks! Support & social page

This is only a short list because there are thousands of others proving they can fly the purple ribbon and literally kick the butt of their lifelong condition.

The Inflammatory Bowel Disease Community...Copyright © 2016Crohn's and Colitis UK. All rights reserved.

I like to believe there are many wonderful people out there who are willing to listen and inspire others going through dark times. The charities, the fighters and the supporters all do an amazing job and prove ‘The Inflammatory Bowel Disease Community’ is outstanding.


  1. Brilliant blog post Jake!

    1. Aww thank you very much. I hope the blog post helped to raise awareness for Inflammatory Bowel Disease.

  2. Thank you very much for your kind comments.
