To My Bullies

To My Bullies

You bullied me.

You punched and kicked me in the corridor, but you did not realise each mark you left behind made me stronger.

You took the piss out of my lisp on the school bus, but you did not realise my voice grew in confidence.

You pointed and laughed at my dad for walking with a stick at parents’ evening, but you did not realise he would end up in a nursing home due to his severe multiple sclerosis.

You said I was alone, but you did not realise I had close friends, a caring family and supportive teachers to watch over me.

You said I was ‘lazy’, ‘stupid’, a ‘nerd’ and a ‘retard’, but you did not realise it may have taken me a little longer but I always broke your stereotypes.

You said I would not achieve anything, but you did not realise I would go on to raise awareness for hidden disabilities; have experts call my creative writing readings ‘professional’; to win ‘Radio Presenter of the Year’ at the Trident Media Awards 2017.

You thought I would not amount to anything in my ‘pathetic’ life.

You were and always will be wrong.

Jake Borrett at the Trident Media Awards 2017...Copyright © 2017- Jake Borrett. All rights reserved.        


  1. Thank you for having the courage to share this Jake.

  2. Well done Jake, you are a true inspiration.

    1. Aww thanks a lot Rachael. I hope you have a great Bank Holiday weekend.
